Saturday, December 6, 2008

Genius Notebook: Final Draft to the Rescue

A client is working on a script. It was in MS Word format. They had tried to format the script using spaces and tabs. Lots and lots of spaces and tabs. They said that they wanted to install and use Final Draft. I installed FD, then started to show them how to clean up their Word version.

However, since these folks are not the most computer-savvy people, I watch as the person charged with the clean-up took a very long time to get the hang of this. I said, "You know, I could do this for you." They agreed, and I sat down and used FD's tools to clean up the script. I then started going through the script using FD's Reformat tool. It's so easy to use that I was able to show the writers how to use format to complete the job.

Bottom line: They went from a 230+ page, badly-formatted document to a professionally formatted screenplay in about one day.

Your Genius

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