Saturday, June 28, 2008

To my clients...

Let me tell you about my clients. They come to me by referral, through other clients and from the Apple Store. I get many from Craig's List and I am always pleasantly surprised by the amazing people it brings to me (maybe it's because my middle name is Craig).

I want to tell you how much I enjoy working with such a talented, eager and generous group of people. You are all the same people I loved to help when I was behind the Genius Bar at The Grove and Century City. Now, however, I have the opportunity to work with you as long as you want me to. I get to work in some beautiful homes and exciting places of work. And, you allow me the freedom of time to create on my own, something that was lacking at Apple.

So, to my clients, thank you. I look forward to working with you again soon.

Your Genius

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