This is a good example of what you can accomplish even when you are on a tight budget. If you have a project that you would like to promote, but you are not sure how, give me a call.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Genius Notebook: An inexpensive book webmercial
One of my clients, Kim Canazzi, wrote a book and was thinking of how she might better promote it on the web without spending an arm and a leg. We were able to come up with a short, simple promo video using only artwork from the cover of her book, royality-free music and some Final Cut editing.
This is a good example of what you can accomplish even when you are on a tight budget. If you have a project that you would like to promote, but you are not sure how, give me a call.
This is a good example of what you can accomplish even when you are on a tight budget. If you have a project that you would like to promote, but you are not sure how, give me a call.
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